Ministry of Health-Ethiopia: Recent submissions

  • Ministry of Health (Ministry of health - Ethiopia, 2022)
    The comprehensive multiyear plan (cMYP) is the medium term or strategic plan for the Expanded programme on Immunization (EPI) in Ethiopia, prepared in consonance with the 5 year strategic plan of the health sector for ...
  • Ministry of Health (Ministry of health - Ethiopia, 2022)
    The National Healthcare Quality and Safety Strategy (2021-2025) is a continuation of the previous National Quality Strategy (2016-2020). The approach for preparing this strategy document was informed by the previous ...
  • Ministry of Health (Ministry of health - Ethiopia, 2022)
    During the implementation of the first Health sector transformation plan (HSTP), 2008-2012 EFY, improving the quality of healthcare was among the transformation agenda. To operationalize the HSTP MOH-Ethiopia developed ...
  • Ministry of Health (Ministry of health - Ethiopia, 2022)
    In the face of growing threats of global climate change, countries like Ethiopia need to take timely and extra-caution to avoid any catastrophic destiny. In addition to natural disasters like drought, flood and landslide ...
  • Ministry of Health (Ministry of health - Ethiopia, 2022)
    This annual performance report details the performance of the health sector in 2013 EFY, the first year of the HSTP-II period. The report mainly describes the achievements of the sector by comparing performance against the ...
  • Ministry of Health (Ministry of health - Ethiopia, 2022)
    Within the continuum of reproductive health care, antenatal care (ANC) provides a platform for important health care functions, including health promotion and disease prevention, and screening, diagnosis, and management. ...
  • Ministry of Health (Ministry of health - Ethiopia, 2022-10)
    MOH has been generating regular different analytic reports to inform a decision on the implementation of essential health services through analysis of selected core indicators. Now that this data analytics practice is ...
  • Ministry of Health (Ministry of health - Ethiopia, 2022)
    The Federal Ministry of health of Ethiopia has been working towards standardization and institutionalization of in-service (IST) trainings at national level. As part of this initiative the ministry developed a national ...
  • Ministry of Health (Ministry of Health - Ethiopia, 2022)
    Air pollution is the leading cause of morbidity and mortality worldwide. The most devastating health effect of air pollution comes from household air pollution. The ambient air pollution is also overly critical for cities. ...
  • Ministry of Health (Ministry of health - Ethiopia, 2021)
    The Ministry of Health has developed and started implementing the second Health sector transformation plan (HSTP-II) that spans from 2020/21-2024/25. To achieve the objectives of the strategic plan, key strategic directions ...
  • Ministry of Health (Ministry of health - Ethiopia, 2022)
    MOH has been generating regular different analytic reports to inform a decision on the implementation of essential health services through analysis of selected core indicators. Now that this data analytics practice is ...
  • Ministry of Health (Ministry of health - Ethiopia, 2022)
    Ethiopia has implemented successive Health Sector Development Plans (HSDPs) in four phases (1997 – 2015 GC). During these periods a country has achieved various health related Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) and its ...
  • Ministry of Health (Ministry of health - Ethiopia, 2022)
    The Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia (the Recipient) will implement the ETHIOPIA COVID-19 Emergency Response Project Second additional financing (the Project) with the involvement of the following ministries/age ...
  • Ministry of Health (Ministry of health - Ethiopia, 2022)
    For the last five years the Federal Ministry of Health (FMOH) has been implementing Saving Lives through Safe Surgery (SaLTS) as a national flagship initiative designed to improve access to safe, essential and emergency ...
  • Ministry of Health (Ministry of health - Ethiopia, 2022)
    The health sector, in collaboration with various stakeholders, has prepared HSTP II and implemented a first-year core plan in the previous year. Efforts are being made to improve the sector by focusing on implementations ...
  • Ministry of Health (Ministry of health - Ethiopia, 2022)
    The Ministry of Health of Ethiopia has set Health Sector Transformation Plan to guide and direct the focus of health program/interventions aligned with SDG/UHC. Key challenges to implementation at national and subnational ...
  • Ministry of Health (Ministry of health - Ethiopia, 2019)
    This Manual is made possible by the generous support of Nutrition International (NI), the former Micronutrient Initiative (MI), as part of the Technical Assistance for Nutrition (TAN) program funded with UK Aid from the ...
  • Ministry of Health (Ministry of health - Ethiopia, 2019)
    The Seqota Declaration is the Government of Ethiopia’s commitment to end child under-nutrition by 2030. It reaffirms the government’s commitment to nutrition as a foundation for economic development with a focus on human ...
  • Ministry of Health (Ministry of health - Ethiopia, 2011)
    የሰቆጣ ቃል ኪዳን እ.ኤ.አ. በ 2030 የህፃናትን የተመጣጠነ ምግብ እጥረት/መቀንጨርን/ ለማስቀረት በኢትዮጵያ መንግስት ቁርጠኝነት የተዘጋጀ መረሃ ግብር ነው:: ሰቆጣ ቃልኪዳን ስርዓተ ምግብ ለኢኮኖሚ ልማት ያለውን መሰረታዊ አስተዋፅኦ በመገንዘብ መንግሰት ለሰብዓዊ ልማት ያለውን ቁርጠኝነት ያረጋገጠበት ነው፡፡ ይህም የሚተገበረው በሁለተኛው ብሄራዊ ...
  • Ministry of Health (Ministry of health - Ethiopia, 2021)
    Malnutrition, defined as both under-nutrition and over nutrition, which includes micronutrient deficiencies and negatively impacts both individuals and populations. 1 Under- nutrition inhibits the body’s immune system ...

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