Ministry of Health-Ethiopia: Recent submissions

  • Ministry of Health (Ministry of Health-Ethiopia, 2022-10)
    This SOP on perioperative nursing care has been written for nurse professionals who work in a perioperative setting. It provides general guideline regarding the role of the surgical/general nurse practitioner working in ...
  • Ministry of Health (Ministry of health - Ethiopia, 2022-10)
    Disposal of human feces or defecation in fields, forests, bushes, open bodies of water, beaches, or other open spaces, or with solid waste.
  • Ministry of Health (Ministry of health - Ethiopia, 2022-10)
    The COVID-19 outbreak is affecting supply chains and disrupting manufacturing operations around the world. The outbreak has already caused significant loss of life, disruptions in global supply chains, and economic losses ...
  • Ministry of Health (Ministry of health - Ethiopia, 2022-10)
    Project Description: This Project is the Third Additional Financing for the Ethiopia COVID 19 Emergency response project (P173750). It will support the costs of expanding activities of the Ethiopia COVID-19 Emergency ...
  • Ministry of Health (Ministry of health - Ethiopia, 2022-10)
    Between 2000 and now, improvements in coverage of health services along with improvements in other sectors have brought remarkable reduction in child mortality. Ethiopia has achieved considerable reduction in child ...
  • Ministry of Health (Ministry of Health - Ethiopia, 2022-10)
    Reproductive health is a development issue, hence efforts are required to achieve the three zero’s “zero unmet need for family planning services and information”, “zero preventable maternal deaths and morbidities." and ...
  • Ministry of Health (Ministry of health - Ethiopia, 2022-10)
    In the national quality strategy, sharing best practices across facilities and institutions through which facilities and providers identify quality gap and solutions for the quality improvement has been given due emphasis. ...
  • Ministry of Health (Ministry of health - Ethiopia, 2022-10)
    Most public toilet facilities in large cities and small towns of Ethiopia are poorly managed. Town administrations, NGOs or any support group do not consider or mind the necessity or provisions of water, cleaning mechanism, ...
  • Ministry of Health (Ministry of health - Ethiopia, 2022-10)
    Ethiopia has been committed to ensuring that Essential and emergency surgical care is accessible and affordable to its citizens. During the first Health Sector Plan, the Ministry of Health has developed and implemented ...
  • Ministry of Health; Ministry of Health (Ministry of health - EthiopiaMinistry of health - Ethiopia, 2022-10)
    Striving to tap into the huge benefit and positive impact of health information systems (HIS) for the health sector, the Ministry of Health of Ethiopia (MoH) identified digital transformation and its governance as one ...
  • Ministry of Health (Ministry of health - Ethiopia, 2022-10)
    The Ministry of Health has instituted measures to accelerate the reduction of morbidity and mortality through the implementation of the first Health Sector Transformation Plan (HSTP-I) from 2016 to 2020 with other ...
  • Ministry of Health (Ministry of health - Ethiopia, 2022-10)
    Respectful Maternity Care (RMC) refers to care organized for and provided to all women in a manner that maintains their dignity, privacy and confidentiality, ensures freedom from harm and mistreatment, and enables informed ...
  • Ministry of Health (Ministry of Health-Ethiopia, 2022-10)
    A perineal tear is a laceration of the skin and other soft tissue structures. There are four degrees of tears that can occur during delivery:
  • Ministry of Health (Ministry of health - Ethiopia, 2022-10)
    In 2016, responding to the World Health Assembly resolution (WHA 68/15), Ethiopia has designed the Saving Lives Through Safe Surgery (SaLTS) initiative to make essential and emergency surgical and anesthesia care accessible ...
  • Ministry of Health (Ministry of health - Ethiopia, 2022-10)
    The previous strategic plan on dual elimination of mother- to­ child transmission (MTCT) of HIV syphilis was concluded with encouraging process and impact indicators at the national level, Taking the experience and ...
  • Ministry of Health (Ministry of health - Ethiopia, 2022-10)
    The Ministry of Health (MoH) is committed to improving the sanitation, hygiene, and environmental health status of its citizens and has developed and is leading the coordination of planning and implementation of sanitation, ...
  • Ministry of Health (Ministry of health - Ethiopia, 2022-10)
    This guidance document has been produced by Ministry of Health, Health Service Quality Directorate to assist quality coaches in the provision of technical support in the process institutionalizing quality and safety ...
  • Ministry of Health (Ministry of health - Ethiopia, 2022-10)
    The Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia Government Health policy states the mission of the Ministry of Health as “to reduce morbidity, mortality and disability and improve the health status of the Ethiopian people ...
  • Ministry of Health (Ministry of health - Ethiopia, 2022-10)
    Universal health coverage that includes access to WASH services has a new emphasis on sustainable development goals, or SDGs. SDGs echo a form of thinking that recognizes the importance of quality care and the integration ...
  • Ministry of Health (Ministry of Health - Ethiopia, 2022)
    Recognizing vulnerability of women and children to the consequences of TB due to gender and age related social and health inequalities, global commitments were made to prioritize these high-risk groups at the Moscow declaration ...

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