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Practices and Challenges of School Principals in Enhancing Community Participation in Education in Angwaa Zone Primary Schools.Gambella regional state.

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dc.contributor.author Shelemu Shamebo
dc.contributor.author Andualem Mola
dc.contributor.author Tigist Tajebe
dc.date.accessioned 2023-10-06T11:29:01Z
dc.date.accessioned 2025-01-29T06:49:58Z
dc.date.available 2023-10-06T11:29:01Z
dc.date.available 2025-01-29T06:49:58Z
dc.date.issued 2022-11
dc.identifier.uri http://repository.iphce.org/xmlui/handle/123456789/3917
dc.description.abstract The main purpose of the study was to investigate the practices and challenges of school principals in enhancing community participation in education in 20(10.2%) Angwaa Zone Primary Schools, Gambella regional state. Specifically the study attempted to answer, the strategies that school principals practice to enhancing community participation in education, the contributions of community participation towards the improvement of the school education, major functions of KETB and PTA in school education and the challenges that community face while participating in school education. Total of 299 respondents, 150(56.2%) teachers were selected stratified simple random and 15(5.6%) education Office Expertise,20(7.5% ) school principals10(3.7%)supervisors,,24(8.03 KETB) and 60(20.01 PTSA were selected purposive sampling techniques To accomplish the study, the researcher used explanatory mixed research design and Data was collected through questionnaire, interview and focus group discussion. To analysis Data descriptive statistics tools was used. Participants replied that the strategies that school principal’s practices to enhancing community participation in education were strongly disagree, contributions of community participation in education were undeceived, PTSA & KETB members moderately participate in following up the proper implementation of school program, replied agree that the challenges that hinder school principles to enhance CP in Education. replied agree that the challenges that hinder school principles to enhance CP in Education and the respondents responded agree on the challenges that community face while to participating in school education. Finally, the total ground mean reapplied moderate. This implied in practice of school principals to enhancing community participation in education in Anywaa Zone primary schools were not obtained relevant contribution from the cp but gained medium level support. This leads school principals design different strategies to involve the community, provide clearly defined roles and responsibilities to the community representatives. create the sense of ownership ness of schools to local community The principal must take the initiatives to participate the community in school activities, take the action in making the school climate favorable for community participation, create awareness, show the necessary respects, and provides recognition to community representatives and provide them with rewards at the end of good achievements always in order to motivate them for additional performance. KETB, PTSA, Supervisors and School principals with together work collaboratively and establish strong relationship between school and local community and break down any barriers that discourage the community participation. And Zonal and wereda educational officers appoint the right person at the right position, Provide capacity building training for school principals in order to actively discharge their role related to planning, organizing and managing the school. And Set up a regular school supervision program to fill their ga en_US
dc.language.iso en_US en_US
dc.title Practices and Challenges of School Principals in Enhancing Community Participation in Education in Angwaa Zone Primary Schools.Gambella regional state. en_US
dc.type Thesis en_US

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