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The development of well-being model for middle managers in a financial services organisation

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dc.contributor Oosthuizen, Rudolf Machiel
dc.creator Mbokazi, Bongani
dc.date.accessioned 2024-03-14T09:05:57Z
dc.date.accessioned 2024-10-18T06:56:44Z
dc.date.available 2024-03-14T09:05:57Z
dc.date.available 2024-10-18T06:56:44Z
dc.date.created 2024-03-14T09:05:57Z
dc.date.issued 2023-06
dc.identifier https://hdl.handle.net/10500/30949
dc.identifier.uri http://repository.iphce.org/xmlui/handle/123456789/3376
dc.description.abstract There has been significant growth and changes in the financial services industry, in general and in operations departments, in particular, over the recent years, due to fourth industrial revolution, technology, competition, client behaviour, financial products and services, digitisation and advent of artificial intelligence. These changes have impact on employees, particularly, middle managers’ well-being given their role and level in the hierarchy of the organizations. The research project focused on developing a well-being model for middle managers in a financial services organisation by establishing the relationship between middle managers’ dispositional attributes (personality types and emotional competencies) and the positive psychological functioning attribute (Spiritual Well-being). Three hundred and ninety-one (391) participants as a sample of middle managers from the Operations department of a South African financial services organisation with a staff compliment of 621 of middle managers across the country, were randomly selected to represent biographical factors (race, age, gender, and tenure) of middle managers in the department. One hundred and fifty (150) participants returned all three questionnaires (MBTI, ESCQ and SWBQ) and these could subsequently be used for statistical analysis. Of the 150 participants 40 (26.67%) were male and 110 (73.33%) were female, Africans were most represented at 47% of the sample, followed by Coloured category at 27%. The last two categories were White (15%) and Indian (12%). The research goal was accomplished using a survey design. The statistical association between the three dimensions (personality types, emotional competence, and spiritual well-being) was investigated using a cross-sectional quantitative technique. Multiple regression analyses indicated that the main construct variables that influence participants’ psychological well-being models appear to be their emotional competencies, moderated by personality types, which predict how the middle managers tend to be spiritually well within an organisation. The analysis also showed how age, race and years of service (tenure) tend not to influence how participants express their emotions. The partial least square structural equation modelling (PLS-SEM) indicated a good fit of the data with the correlation-derived measurement model. Tests for mean differences discovered that participants did not differ significantly in terms of their age, race, and years of service (tenure). The study made a significant contribution to the bulk of knowledge in the field of Industrial and Organisational Psychology. On a theoretical level, the study deepened the understanding of the individual and cognitive, affective, conative and relations management dimensions of the hypothesised psychological well-being model. On an empirical level, the study developed an empirically tested psychological well-being model that informs well-being practices for individual middle managers and organisational levels. On a practical level, dispositional and well-being practices that inform the dimensions of the psychological well-being model were recommended.
dc.description.abstract Kube nokukhula okuphawulekayo kanye nezinguquko embonini yezinsizakalo zezezimali, jikelele kanye naseminyangweni yokusebenza, ikakhulukazi, eminyakeni yamuva, ngenxa yenguquko yesine yezimboni, ubuchwepheshe, ukuncintisana, ukuziphatha kwamakhasimende, imikhiqizo yezezimali kanye nezinsizakalo, ukufakwa kwedijithali kanye nokufika kokulingiswa kwezinqubo zobuhlakani bomuntu ngezinhlelo zamakhompiyutha. Lezi zinguquko zinomthelela kubasebenzi, ikakhulukazi, inhlalakahle yabaphathi abaphakathi uma kubhekwa indima yabo kanye nezinga ekuphathweni kwezinhlangano. Le phrojekthi yocwaningo igxile ekuthuthukiseni uhlelo oluyisibonelo sokuphila kahle kubaphathi abasezingeni elimaphakathi enkampanini esiza ngohlinzekomali ngokubheka ubudlelwano phakathi kwesimo sengqondo ekuziphatheni kwabaphathi abasezingeni elimaphakathi (izinhlobo zesimo somuntu kanye nokukwazi ukulawula imizwa) kanye nesimo sokusebenza kahle kwengqondo (ukuphila kahle ngokomoya). Ababambiqhaza abangamakhulu amathathu namashumi ayisishiyagalolunye nanye (391) njengesampula yabaphathi abaphakathi bomnyango wokuSebenza wenhlangano yezinsizakalo zezezimali eNingizimu Afrika enabasebenzi abangama-621 babaphathi abaphakathi ezweni lonke, bakhethwa ngokungahleliwe ukuze bamele izici zokuphila (uhlanga, ubudala, ubulili kanye nokuhlala) kwabaphathi abaphakathi emnyangweni. Abahlanganyeli abayikhulu namashumi amahlanu (150) babuyisele lonke uhlu lwemibuzo emithathu (MBTI, ESCQ kanye ne-SWBQ) futhi lokhu kungase kusetshenziselwe ukuhlaziywa kwezibalo. Kwabahlanganyeli abangu-150 abangu-40 (26.67%) ngabesilisa kanti abangu-110 (73.33%) ngabesifazane, abase-Afrika bamelwe kakhulu ku-47% wesampula, kulandele isigaba samaKhaladi ngama-27%. Izigaba ezimbili zokugcina bekungabaMhlophe (15%) kanye namaNdiya (12%). Umgomo wocwaningo ufezwe kusetshenziswa umklamo wocwaningo. Ukuhlotshaniswa kwezibalo phakathi kobukhulu obuthathu (izinhlobo zobuntu, ikhono lemizwelo, nokuphila kahle ngokomoya) kwaphenywa kusetshenziswa uhlobo lomklamo wocwaningo lwezinombolo, olungasiwo wokuhlola. Ukuhlaziywa okuningi kokubuyiseleka emuva kukhombisa ukuthi izimo ezinqala zokwakha ezinomthelela ohlelweni oluyisibonelo sokuphila kahle kwengqondo yababambiqhaza zibonakala sengathi zingamakhono abo okukwazi ukulawula imizwa alinganiselwa ngokwezinhlobo zesimo somuntu, okubikezela ukuthi abaphathi abasemazingeni amaphakathi bavame kanjani ukuba kahle ngokomoya enkampanini. Ukuhlaziywa kuphinde kukhombise ukuthi iminyaka yobudala, ubuhlanga kanye neminyaka yokusebenza (isikhathi esihlaliwe emsebenzini) akuvamile ukuba nomthelela endleleni ababambiqhaza abaveza ngayo imizwa yabo. Izindlela ezahlukahlukene zokubheka indlela yokuziphatha (PLS-SEM) zikhombisa ukuhambisana kahle kwemininingo nohlelo oluyisibonelo lokulinganisa oluhlola ukuhambisana. Ukuhlolwa komehluko ojwayelekile kuveza ukuthi ababambiqhaza abahluki kakhulu ngokweminyaka yabo yobudala, ngokobuhlanga kanye nangokweminyaka yokusebenza (isikhathi esihlaliwe emsebenzini). Ucwaningo luphonsa okuningi esivivaneni maqondana nolwazi olunzulu emkhakheni wokuPhila Kahle Ngokwengqondo Emsebenzini Nasenkampanini. Ezingeni lenjulalwazi, ucwaningo luqinisa ukuqonda komuntu ngamunye kanye nezigaba zezilinganiso zokukwazi ukuqonda kahle kwengqondo, zokuthintayo, zokuxhumanisayo kanye nezokuphathwa kobudlelwano nohlelo oluyisibonelo sokuphila kahle ngokwengqondo. Ezingeni locwaningo olufakazelwe, lolu cwaningo lwakha uhlelo oluyisibonelo sokuphila kahle ngokwegqondo esifakazelwe nesinomthelela ezindleleni zokuphatheka kahle kubaphathi abasezingeni elimaphakathi ngabanye kanye nasemazingeni enkampani. Ezingeni lokwenza umsebenzi, kunconywa izindlela zesimo sengqondo nokuphatheka kahle okunomthelela ezigabeni zezilinganiso zokuphila kahle ngokwengqondo.
dc.description.abstract Intasteri ya ditirelo tša ditšhelete le mafapha a ditshepedišo, a itemogetše phetogo e kgolo mengwageng ye e fetilego ka lebaka la tsogelo ya bone ya intaseteri, theknolotši, phadišano, maitshwaro a bareki, ditšweletšwa le ditirelo tša ditšhelete, tšhomišo ya titšithale le bohlale bja maitirelo. Diphetogo tše di na le khuetšo mo go itekanela gabotse ga bašomi, kudukudu balaodi ba magareng ka lebaka la mošomo le maemo a bona mekgatlong. Maikemišetšo a protšeke ya nyakišišo ke go hlama mmotlolo wa go itekanela ga balaodi ba magareng mokgatlong wa ditirelo tša ditšhelete ka go laetša kamano ya dika tša tshekamelo (dimelo tša batho le bokgoni bja go tšweletša maikutlo) magareng ga balaodi ba magareng le seka se se phosithifi sa go šoma gabotse ga mogopolo (go itekanela semoyeng). Nyakišišo e šomišitše mokgwa wa go kgetha dikemedi fela go tšwa go balaodi ba magareng ba makgolo a mararo le masomesenyane tee (391) nageng ka bophara bao ba šomago lefapheng la Ditshepedišo la mokgatlo wa ditirelo tša ditšhelete wa Afrika Borwa wo o nago le bašomi ba 621 go balaodi ba magareng. Batšeakarolo ba balaodi ba magareng ba kgethilwe fela go ba dikemedi go ya ka (morafe, mengwaga, bong, le mengwaga ya bona ya tirelo) lefapheng. Batšeakarolo ba lekgolo le masome a mahlano (150) ba tladitše mananeopotšišo a mararo ka moka (MBTI, ESCQ le SWBQ) gomme datha ye e šomišitšwe go sekaseka dipalopalo. Go batšeakarolo ba 150, ba 40 (26.67%) ke banna gomme ba 110 (73.33%) ke basadi, palo ya maAafrika ke (47%), ba latelwa ke morafe wa Makhalate ka (27%). Dihlopha tše pedi tša mafelelo ke Bašweu (15%) le maIndia (12%). Nyakišišo e šomišitše mokgwa wa tekolo go kgoboketša datha. Kamano ya dipalopalo magareng ga dika tše tharo (dimelo tša batho, bokgoni bja go tšweletša maikutlo le go itekanela semoyeng) go sekasekilwe ka go šomiša mokgwa wa go kgoboketša datha wa khwanthithethifi. Tshekatsheko ya nyakišišo e laetša gore dibariabole tšeo di huetšago go itekanela gabotse mogopolong ga batšeakarolo ke bokgoni bja bona bja go tšweletša maikutlo bjo bo lekanetšwago le dimelo tša bona, le go laetšago go itekanela moyeng ga balaodi ba magareng ka gare ga mokgatlo. Diphihlelelo di laetša gape gore mengwaga, morafe le mengwaga ya tirelo (mošomo) ga e huetše ka moo batšeakarolo ba tšweletšago maikutlo a bona. Mokgwa wa tshekatsheko (PLS-SEM) o laeditše kamano e botse ya datha le mokgwa wa go sekaseka tekanyo wo o šomišitšwego. Diteko tša diphapano tša magareng di utolla gore batšeakarolo aba fapani go ya ka mengwaga ya bona, morafe le mengwaga ya tirelo (mošomo). Nyakišišo ye e tlaleletša go tsebo yeo e lego gona go lefapha la Saekholotši ya Intasteri le ya Mokgatlo. Nyakišišo ya thuto e tlaleletša go botsebi bja dikarolo tša motho tša temogo, maikutlo, go laetša maiteko le taolo ya tswalano ya mmotlolo wa go itekanela mogopolong wo o akantšwego. Phihlelelo ya nyakišišo e tšweletša mmotlolo wo o lekotšwego wa go itekanela gabotse mogopolong wo o hlalošago maitshwaro a go itekanela ga balaodi ba magareng le boemo bja mokgatlo. Nyakišišo e šišinya mekgwa ya maitshwaro le ya go phela gabotse yeo e hlalošago mmotlolo wa go itekanela mogopolong.
dc.language en
dc.subject Psychological well-being
dc.subject Dispositional attributes
dc.subject Emotional competence
dc.subject Personality types
dc.subject Middle managers
dc.subject Career development
dc.subject Spiritual well-being
dc.subject Ukuphila kahle ngokwengqondo
dc.subject Isimo sengqondo esikahle
dc.subject Ukukwazi ukulawula imizwa
dc.subject Izinhlobo zesimo somuntu
dc.subject Abaphathi abasezingeni elimaphakathi
dc.subject Ukuthuthukiswa komsebenzi nokuphila kahle ngokomoya
dc.subject Go itekanela gabotse mogopolong
dc.subject Dika tša tshekamelo
dc.subject Bokgoni bja go tšweletša maikutlo
dc.subject Mehuta ya bomotho
dc.subject Balaodi ba magareng
dc.subject Tlhabollo ya mošomo le go ba gabotse semoyeng
dc.title The development of well-being model for middle managers in a financial services organisation
dc.type Thesis

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