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Financial reporting practices in Ethiopia

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dc.contributor Van Rooyen, A. A.
dc.contributor Chikutuma, C. N.
dc.creator Tewodros Gobena Yirorsha
dc.date.accessioned 2020-01-17T06:29:28Z
dc.date.accessioned 2024-10-15T06:59:32Z
dc.date.available 2020-01-17T06:29:28Z
dc.date.available 2024-10-15T06:59:32Z
dc.date.created 2020-01-17T06:29:28Z
dc.date.issued 2019-08
dc.identifier http://hdl.handle.net/10500/26228
dc.identifier.uri http://repository.iphce.org/xmlui/handle/123456789/3158
dc.description.abstract The aim of this study was to assess the suitability of International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) adoption in Ethiopia. To this effect, the study focused on examining the key factors that would influence IFRS adoption in the context of Ethiopia, namely economic growth, economic openness, capital market development, level of accounting education as well as legal systems and government policies. The study used a mixed-method approach, which involved a survey and content analysis. While the survey was the primary research approach in this study, the secondary data analysis was used to obtain additional evidence to corroborate the information gathered through the survey. Descriptive statistics was used to analyse and interpret the data. The study results show that the aforementioned factors examined were not conducive to adopting IFRS, and thus IFRS was not regarded as suitable in Ethiopia at the time of this study. The study also revealed an absence of a single set of accounting standards in Ethiopia.
dc.description.abstract Die doel van hierdie studie was om die geskiktheid van Internasionale Finansiële Verslagdoeningstandaarde-aanneming (IFRS-aanneming) in Ethiopië te assesseer. Die studie het derhalwe daarop gefokus om die sleutelfaktore te ondersoek wat die IFRS-aanneming in die konteks van Ethiopië sal beïnvloed, naamlik ekonomiese groei, ekonomiese oopheid, kapitaalmarkontwikkeling, vlak van rekeningkundeopvoeding, asook regstelsels en regeringsbeleide. Die studie het ’n gemengdemetodebenadering gebruik, wat ’n ondersoek en inhoudsontleding ingesluit het. Hoewel die ondersoek die primêre navorsingsbenadering in hierdie studie was, is die sekondêre ontleding gebruik om bykomende bewyse te bekom om die inligting wat deur middel van die ondersoek ingesamel is, te bevestig. Beskrywende statistiek is gebruik om die data te ontleed en te interpreteer. Die resultate van die studie dui daarop dat die bogenoemde faktore wat ondersoek is, nie bevorderlik is om die IFRS aan te neem nie en derhalwe is die IFRS as nie geskik vir Ethiopië ten tye van hierdie studie beskou nie. Die studie het ook ’n afwesigheid van ’n enkele stel rekeningkundige standaarde in Ethiopië aan die lig gebring.
dc.description.abstract Maikaelelo a thutopatlisiso eno e ne e le go sekaseka go tshwanelega ga go amogelwa ga Seemo sa Tlhagiso ya Dipegelo Tsa Ditšhelete sa Boditšhabatšhaba (IFRS) kwa Ethiopia. Go fitlhelela seno, thutopatlisiso e totile go tlhatlhoba dintlha tsa botlhokwa tse di tlaa susumetsang go amogelwa ga IFRS mo bokaong jwa Ethiopia, e leng kgolo ya ikonomi, go bulega ga ikonomi, tlhabololo ya mmaraka wa matlotlo, seelo sa thuto ya palotlotlo gammogo le dithulaganyo tsa semolao le dipholisi tsa puso. Thutopatlisiso e dirisitse molebo wa mekgwa e e tswakaneng, o o akareditseng tshekatsheko ya diteng. Le fa tshekatsheko e ne e le molebo wa ntlha wa patlisiso mo thutopatlisisong eno, go dirisitswe tshekatsheko ya bobedi ya data go bona bosupi jwa tlaleletso go tshegetsa tshedimosetso e e kokoantsweng ka tshekatsheko. Go dirisitswe dipalopalo tse di tlhalosang go sekaseka le go ranola data. Dipoelo tsa thutopatlisiso di bontsha gore dintlha tse di tlhagisitsweng fa pele tse di tlhatlhobilweng di ne di sa siamela go amogela IFRS mme ka jalo IFRS ga e a tsewa e tshwanelegile go ka dirisiwa kwa Ethiopia ka nako ya thutopatlisiso eno. Gape thutopatlisiso e senotse gore ga go na le fa e le peelo e le nngwe ya palotlotlo kwa Ethiopia.
dc.language en
dc.subject Financial reporting
dc.subject International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS)
dc.subject Adoption of IFRS
dc.subject Ethiopia
dc.subject Accounting practices
dc.subject Economic growth
dc.subject External economic openness
dc.subject Capital market development
dc.subject Accounting education
dc.subject Legal systems
dc.subject Government policies
dc.subject Finansiele verslagdoening
dc.subject Internasionale Finansiele Verslagdoeningstandaarde (IFRS)
dc.subject Aanneming van IFRS
dc.subject Rekeningkundepraktyke
dc.subject Ekonomiese groei
dc.subject Eksterne ekonomiese oopheid
dc.subject Kapitaalmarkontwikkeling
dc.subject Rekeningkunde-opvoeding
dc.subject Regstelsels
dc.subject Regeringsbeleide
dc.subject Tlhagiso ya dipegelo tsa ditšhelete
dc.subject Seemo sa Tlhagiso ya Dipegelo Tsa Ditšhelete sa Boditšhabatšhaba (IFRS)
dc.subject Kamogelo ya IFRS
dc.subject Ethiopia
dc.subject Ditiragatso tsa palotlotlo
dc.subject Kgolo ya ikonomi
dc.subject Go bulega ga ikonomi ya kwa ntle
dc.subject Tlhabololo ya mebaraka ya matlotlo
dc.subject Thuto ya palotlotlo
dc.subject Dithulaganyo tsa semolao
dc.subject Dipholisi tsa puso
dc.title Financial reporting practices in Ethiopia
dc.type Dissertation

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