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ቤ/ጉ/ክ/መ/ጤ/ቢሮ, በጨቅላ ህፃናትና ህፃናት ዙሪያ በ6 ወራት የተሰሩ ስራዎች ሪፖርት

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dc.contributor.author Ministry of Health
dc.date.accessioned 2024-02-22T08:11:54Z
dc.date.available 2024-02-22T08:11:54Z
dc.date.issued 2024
dc.identifier.uri http://repository.iphce.org/xmlui/handle/123456789/2865
dc.description.abstract ጨቅላ ህፃናት ሞት ላይ መሻሻል ያለበት en_US
dc.language.iso am en_US
dc.subject child health en_US
dc.title ቤ/ጉ/ክ/መ/ጤ/ቢሮ, በጨቅላ ህፃናትና ህፃናት ዙሪያ በ6 ወራት የተሰሩ ስራዎች ሪፖርት en_US
dc.type Reports, bulletins en_US

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