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Quality of Antenatal care and its associated factors in selected health centers of Yeka sub city, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

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dc.contributor.author Sofanit Adnew
dc.date.accessioned 2024-01-25T11:54:05Z
dc.date.available 2024-01-25T11:54:05Z
dc.date.issued 2023-05
dc.identifier.uri http://repository.iphce.org/xmlui/handle/123456789/2718
dc.description.abstract Background: Human monkeypox (Mpox) is a zoonotic infection most commonly found in Western and Central Africa. It is deemed an outbreak in England and an endemic in Nigeria. andIt is stated as a Public Health Emergency of International Concern. Therefore, assessment of knowledge of health professionals is a timely task for our health system to be prepared accordingly. en_US
dc.language.iso en_US en_US
dc.title Quality of Antenatal care and its associated factors in selected health centers of Yeka sub city, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia en_US
dc.type Thesis en_US

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