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GATS Global adult tobacco survey: Fact sheet

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dc.contributor.author Ethiopian Public Heath Institute
dc.date.accessioned 2023-11-27T05:32:13Z
dc.date.available 2023-11-27T05:32:13Z
dc.date.issued 2022
dc.identifier.uri http://repository.iphce.org/xmlui/handle/123456789/2589
dc.description.abstract The Global Adult Tobacco Survey (GATS) is a global standard for systematically monitoring adult tobacco use (smoking and smokeless) and tracking key tobacco control indicators. GATS is a nationally representative survey, using a consistent and standard protocol across countries including Ethiopia. GATS enhances countries’ capacity to design, implement and evaluate tobacco control programs. It will also assist countries to fulfill their obligations under the World Health Organization (WHO) Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (FCTC) to generate comparable data within and across countries. WHO has developed MPOWER, a package of selected demand reduction measures contained in the WHO FCTC: en_US
dc.language.iso English en_US
dc.publisher en_US
dc.subject Tobacco en_US
dc.title GATS Global adult tobacco survey: Fact sheet en_US
dc.type Report en_US

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