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Ethiopia Field Epidemiology Training Program (EFETP): Compiled body of works in field epidemiology

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dc.contributor Deyessa, Negusse (MD)
dc.contributor Pro. Ashenafi, Hagos (DVM)
dc.contributor Abagaro, Abdunnasir(MPH)
dc.creator Gebreslassie, Gebremedhin
dc.date 2020-03-10T07:42:56Z
dc.date 2020-03-10T07:42:56Z
dc.date 2019-06
dc.date.accessioned 2022-12-29T08:48:36Z
dc.date.available 2022-12-29T08:48:36Z
dc.identifier http://etd.aau.edu.et/handle/123456789/21082
dc.identifier.uri http://repository.iphce.org/xmlui/handle/123456789/1937
dc.description Residents are expected to produce and summit Compile Body of Works as a partial fulfillment for their Masters of public health degree in field epidemiology to school of graduate studies of Addis Ababa University. This Compile Body of Works has six chapters and four annexes. Chapter I: Presents two outbreaks; Cholera and brucellosis investigations. We investigated cholera outbreak in Kafta Humera District Wester Zone of Tigray region. Since August 28, to September 16, 2018 there were139 cases of daily workers those come from different camps to the district. We use them for descriptive analysis without control. Open defecation of farm areas and drinking untreated river water, contact tracing, crowding in one camp room among the identified risk factors. More over weak early contact tracing seasonal flood and distance of farms to health facility furnishes the way to aggravate for long time in controlling. The incidence rate was only male daily workers and new comers that live in camps. We recommended to mobilize ORP sites near to the farms, distribution of water chemicals and should have early contact tracing. We have also an investigation brucellosis outbreak Degua Temben district. We use 50 cases and 150 unmatched controls. From the cases 26(52%) of were males. Here we investigated the abortion case in animals and associated materials was the source of human brucellosis. Human 4(100%), and animal 18(38%) samples taken were confirmed seropositive by RBPT. The odds ratio of having aborted animal and assisting abortions have significant association from risk factors identified. No death at all. We recommended public health education to reduce contact, not to use raw animal products and keeping environmental hygiene. Chapter II: Describes surveillance data analysis on suspected anthrax in Tigray region. We described four year reported data of suspected anthrax cases in human and animals. 404 suspected cases and 6 deaths were recorded (3015-2018) and 1.46 % mortality rate at region level. 55.8% of the cases were recorded in 2016 and 44% case fatality rate was seen in animals (2018). All sex and age groups were affected. Central zone was the highest recorded cases by the two Sectors. We stressed surveillance activities should give attention in general and specially to central zone together. Chapter III: Surveillance system evaluation on suspected anthrax cases in Abi-Adi and Kola Temben districts of Tigray region. We use purposive selection method based the data analysis result we describe in chapter two. Suspected anthrax was under the immediate reportable diseases in human and animals. We showed 83.3% case definition of anthrax in all health facilities, reporting format and daily listed cases by simple chart in two health offices. Surveillance focal persons have a problem data analysis. They couldn‘t take training. Applying the Attributes, core activities in suspected anthrax were well practiced however, as sensitivity of the system, the focal person complains they had additional work load. Ours recommendation training and some logistics such as computers, stationary should be needed to complete by the district and region. Chapter IV: Public health surveillance system in Kola temben. We assessing the public health status of 8 health centers and 28 health posts at district level, Education, water resources supply of power and road access. In representativeness health facility and educational facility were at good level. However, Coverage of water supply (55%), one health center and one separate technical school needs prioritizing and environmental hygiene at woreda level needs attention and so the prioritize diseases. Chapter V. Epidemic research project proposal here we proposed an assessment of brucellosis in southeast zone of Tigray in three districts. Brucellosis is a miss diagnosed and chronic nature; it was not common in our region to see a case of brucellosis in human. The incidence of outbreak in Degua Temben points as, to see the status of knowledge attitude and practice of the community to assess. We will have tried to build community based definitions and mobilizing the professional in diagnosing and the public contact with brucellosis. Chapter VI: Manuscripts prepared for scientific peer received journals for publication from data analysis of suspected anthrax Chapter VII: Additional works and activities: Abstract of Anthrax for scientific writing Chapter VIII: Training on capacity building on brucellosis case definition in human and animals, Bulletin‘s week 12 and Consent f
dc.format application/pdf
dc.language en_US
dc.publisher Addis Ababa University
dc.subject Diseases/disease control
dc.title Ethiopia Field Epidemiology Training Program (EFETP): Compiled body of works in field epidemiology
dc.type Thesis

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