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Educational processes and practices of undergraduate midwifery clinical teaching in Mekelle University

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dc.contributor Whitehead, Cynthia (MD, PhD)
dc.creator Tamrat, Azeb
dc.date 2018-10-31T08:12:12Z
dc.date 2018-10-31T08:12:12Z
dc.date 2018-05
dc.date.accessioned 2022-12-29T08:48:35Z
dc.date.available 2022-12-29T08:48:35Z
dc.identifier http://localhost:80/xmlui/handle/123456789/13492
dc.identifier.uri http://repository.iphce.org/xmlui/handle/123456789/1932
dc.description Background: Clinical practice experiences are critically important to achieve the maximum level of clinical competence after obtaining adequate theoretical and practical instructions. However, graduates have problems in doing some easy tasks. Most new bachelor graduates have adequate theoretical knowledge but lack competence in the clinical environment. The objective of this study was to study the educational process and practice of clinical teaching of undergraduate BSc. midwifery education at Mekelle university. Method: Institutional based cross sectional study and qualitative exploratory design is conducted. Mixed method (qualitative and quantitative) data collection is implemented. The quantitative data is collected using structured questionnaire and the qualitative data is obtained from focus group discussion (FGD). Data is processed using SPSS statistical software, and descriptive analysis is made to describe the findings. Result: 72.7% said there are enough number of cases available in affiliate clinical attachment sites; and 75.8% of them responded those health facilities are well equipped so that they can practice well. Around 70% of the respondents’ said instructors company during the clinical attachment would help acquire better skill, 60% of the respondents said, their tutors relate the clinical teaching with theory (knowledge) and simulation teaching. More time is needed to be allocated in the curriculum for the skill teaching. Conclusion and recommendation: This study revealed the value of effective clinical placement of students will enhance midwifery practice. The study participants preferred affiliation sites for exercising midwifery care practice. This can be explained as the proportion of clients per student is high due to minimal number of students that assigned at affiliate hospital/health center. Instructors company during the clinical attachment would help acquire better skill since they can relate the theory and practice. Availability of equipment and fulfilled infrastructure of the institution are the key element for improving clinical practice. There is a huge need to revise the curriculum in order to give emphasis to skill teaching and have enough time allocated for the skill teaching.
dc.format application/pdf
dc.language English
dc.publisher Addis Ababa Universty
dc.subject Health workforce & training
dc.title Educational processes and practices of undergraduate midwifery clinical teaching in Mekelle University
dc.type Thesis

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