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Assessment of parent-adolescent communication on sexual and reproductive health issues among adolescents of Debre-tabor town, North West Ethiopa

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dc.creator Tsedal, Melkamu
dc.date 2018-01-17T10:02:28Z
dc.date 2018-01-17T10:02:28Z
dc.date 2018-01-17
dc.date.accessioned 2022-12-29T08:24:19Z
dc.date.available 2022-12-29T08:24:19Z
dc.identifier http://hdl.handle.net/123456789/8541
dc.identifier.uri http://repository.iphce.org/xmlui/handle/123456789/1768
dc.description Background:- Sexuality and reproductive health are the basic aspects of life Many factors affect knowledge, attitudes and sexualbehaviour of adolescents. Among which parent-adolescent communication regarding sexual and reproductive health issues is more likely to reduce adolescent risk-taking sexual behaviors. To improve the effectiveness of preventative program for adolescents, parent­ adolescent relationship play an indispensable roles. In Ethiopia ,even few published studies have examined parent - adolescent communication on sexual and reproductive health issues, there are no consistent findings. There is still low communication between them . Objective:- The aim of the study is to determine the proportion of adolescents who communicate with their parents about sexual and reproductive health issues and identify the factors associated with these communications. Methods:- A community based cross-sectional quantitative study supplemented with a qualitative finding will be carried out in Debretabor town which is 107km from Bahirdar, North West Ethiopia. A total of 638 adolescents will be selected by using systematic random sampling technique .For quantitative methods self administer questionnaire by ten data collector will be administer then it will be entered using EPI Info version 7 and analyzed using SPSS version 20.0 statistical software after data cleaning and editing. Logistic regression analysis will be done to determine the association between the dependent and independent variables. Those variables found to be significant (P<0.02) in the bivariate analysis, will be selected to be included in multivariate analysis. For qualitative data in-depth interview will be conducted by principal investigator after obtaining consent from the participants then response will be taped and transcribed to text WORK PLAN AND BUDGET:-The study conducted from July to August, 2014 and it costs 23, 705 Ethiop
dc.language en_US
dc.subject Reproductive & sexual health
dc.title Assessment of parent-adolescent communication on sexual and reproductive health issues among adolescents of Debre-tabor town, North West Ethiopa
dc.type Thesis

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