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Turnover and intention to leave and associated factors among health workers in Horo Guduru, Wollega zone public health facilities, Northwest Ethiopia

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dc.contributor.author Fufa, Tilahun
dc.date.accessioned 2021-05-12T11:50:54Z
dc.date.available 2021-05-12T11:50:54Z
dc.date.issued 2015-06-30
dc.identifier.uri http://repository.iifphc.org/handle/123456789/1311
dc.identifier.uri https://repository.ju.edu.et/handle/123456789/2654
dc.description.abstract Background: Shortage of human power due to turnover of health workers has significantly compromised the efficiency of delivery and quality of health services. Intention to leave negatively affects the quality of work in the form of withdrawal, declining participation in a job, predisposes to lateness, absenteeism, avoidance behavior, and decreased performance by affecting the commitment level of employees. The study was conducted in the zone since no prior study was done in the zone and helps identify main factor that contribute for turnover. Objectives: To assess turnover and intention to leave and associated factors among health workers in Horo Guduru, Wollega zone public health facilities. Methods: The study was conducted in Horo Guduru, Wollega zone from February 15 to 30/ 2015. Institutional based Cross-sectional study design that used both quantitative and qualitative method of data collection. A total of 362 randomly selected health professionals from one town administrative and four woredas were included in the study. Data was collected by structured and self-administered questionnaires that rated with 5-point Likert scale. The data was entered into EpiData version 3.1 and analyzed using SPSS version 21. Descriptive, linear regression was employed to analyze the data. Qualitative data was transcribed and analyzed in thematic areas and then triangulated with quantitative data. Result: The prevalence of turnover of health professionals were 19%. The main reason was resignation (65%) followed by retirement. The majority 235(65%) of the health workers intent to leave their current health institution, of these 193(82%) were from health center and 42 (18%) from hospital. Furthermore, intention to leave was associated with professional category that physicians are more intend to leave than nurse/midwife (β=0.916), service year in health sector (β=0.474), and salary (β=-0.044) from respondents’ characteristics. Also, satisfaction with management system factor score (β=-0.333), compensation and benefit (.134), work environment factor score (β=0.138) were found to be affecting the intention to leave Conclusion: Higher levels of level of intention to leave public health facilities were associated salary of health professionals, professional category, satisfaction with management system, low benefit and compensation, and working environment. Hence, we recommend that Horo Guduru, Wollega zone and Oromia regional health bureau should give attention for management and working condition of health facilities as well as for benefits and compensation to retain health workers. Ministry of health should increase salary of health professionals.
dc.language.iso English
dc.publisher Jimma University
dc.subject Health workforce
dc.title Turnover and intention to leave and associated factors among health workers in Horo Guduru, Wollega zone public health facilities, Northwest Ethiopia
dc.type Thesis

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