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Magnitude and associated factors with sexually transmitted diseases among reproductive health clients attending public health institutions in Shashemene town, West Ethiopia

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dc.contributor.author Abule, Getachew
dc.date.accessioned 2021-04-23T07:12:45Z
dc.date.available 2021-04-23T07:12:45Z
dc.date.issued 2015-06-30
dc.identifier.uri http://repository.iifphc.org/handle/123456789/1272
dc.identifier.uri https://repository.ju.edu.et/handle/123456789/3023
dc.description.abstract Background: Sexually transmitted Infections remain a major public health challenge because of their health consequences, severe complications and sequelae, especially among women who excessively bear their long-term consequences. STDs can lead to serious health complications and affect individual’s future reproductive plans and responsible for some 17% of the total burden of disease. Objective: To Determine magnitude of STIs and associated factors of clients attending public health institutions in Shashemene town Administrative West Ethiopia 2015 Methods: An institution based cross sectional study was conducted among clients attending Public health institutions in the Shashemene town from Jun 13-Feb 13.Data were collected from 380 respondents by using systematic sampling technique with proportional allocation of size employed to each health institutions. Structured interview questionnaires were used to collect the data. Data was checked for its completeness and edited, cleaned, coded, entered into the computer using Epi-data 3.1 software and transferred to SPSS-version 16.0 for analysis. Descriptive statistical analysis was done to explore the data and calculate summary values. Multiple logistic regression analysis was performed to isolate independent predictors of STDs. P-value < 0.05 under 95% CI was considered as having significant association with outcome variable. Results: The prevalence of reported STDs in the past 12 months prior to the survey was found to be 25.3%. Almost all (98.9%) reported to have heard of STIs and 151 (40.7%) study subjects reported to use condom once in their life. But only 10% had used condom consistently. 34(27.6%) study subjects had not got treatments for the recent syndrome they had. While assessing the independent predictors for acquiring STIs, clients who had sexual intercourse after having alcohol in the last 12 months (AOR= 3.45; 95%CI:1.28,9.5), clients who had multiple sexual partner in the last 12 months 3.67(95%CI: 1.16,8.76).Clients who started sexual intercourse before 18 years AOR 2.88(CI, 95 %( 0.27, 10.03). As well, age category and number of sexual partner in the life time were significantly associated with odds AOR 2.84 (1.62, 4.96) and AOR 95%2.34(1.36, 4.0) of STDs respectively. Conclusion: This study shows that attendants reported significant proportion of syndromes of STIs. Also determinants like Demographic variable age category and risky sexual behaviors like having multiple sexual partners, sexual intercourse after having alcohol, number of sexual partners in the last 12 months, age at 1st sexual intercourse were significantly associated with STDs. Every STD consultation should be opportunity for preventive education including lowering the number of sexual partners, in order to lower the risk of STD.
dc.language.iso English
dc.publisher Jimma University
dc.subject Reproductive & sexual health
dc.title Magnitude and associated factors with sexually transmitted diseases among reproductive health clients attending public health institutions in Shashemene town, West Ethiopia
dc.type Thesis

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