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Assessment of clients' satisfaction and associated factors with the health service at Gurawa woreda health centers' outpatient department, East Harerghe, Oromiya, Eastern Ethiopia

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dc.contributor.author Mohammed, Ebsa
dc.date.accessioned 2021-04-19T11:09:27Z
dc.date.available 2021-04-19T11:09:27Z
dc.date.issued 2013-02-28
dc.identifier.uri http://repository.iifphc.org/handle/123456789/1249
dc.identifier.uri https://repository.ju.edu.et/handle/123456789/214
dc.description.abstract Background: Periodic assessment of client satisfaction and identification of problem areas are very important especially for public institutions concerned with satisfying the needs of general public than profit making. There is no such a study that was ever conducted in Gurawa Woreda. Objective: -This study aimed to assess the clients’ satisfaction and associated factors with the health service at Gurawa Woreda Health centers’ outpatient department. Methods and Materials: - A Cross sectional study was conducted on 420 clients in six public health centers found in Gurawa district, East Harerghe, in Oromiya region from September to October 2013.The total sample size was taken based on single population proportion formula and was allocated proportionally to each health center based on their respective two months clients flow experience prior to data collection. Consecutive sampling technique was used to take each study subjects for exit interview. Observation and focused group discussions were done at each health center. Pre-tested data collection instruments were used and the data were analyzed using SPSS version 20.0. Descriptive statistics like frequency cross tabulation was used to see the association of independent variables with dependent variables using 95% CI. Result: - Overall satisfaction with the health service delivered in the outpatient department was 316(75.2%) from 420 total clients. The level of satisfaction was highest 382(91%) with courtesy, respect and responsiveness of service providers. The socio demographic characteristics like age, sex, area of residence, marital status, and occupation had no any significant association with client’s satisfaction, except educational level. From the total of 408 respondents who had drug prescriptions only 292(71.6%) of them obtained all of prescribed drugs and supplies. The result of FGDs and observation indicated there were shortage of drugs and supplies, problem on cleanliness of latrine. Conclusion The result of this study indicated that several numbers of clients are being dissatisfied with the outpatient services at Health centers and there is a need to increase clients’ satisfaction. Shortage of drugs and supplies, problem on cleanliness and comfort of Latrine were the highest cause of dissatisfaction on Health centers’ OPDs services. Therefore, Health service providers and managers should play a crucial role on solving those manageable priority problems and should also plan for periodic assessment of clients’ satisfaction.
dc.language.iso English
dc.publisher Jimma University
dc.subject Health services
dc.title Assessment of clients' satisfaction and associated factors with the health service at Gurawa woreda health centers' outpatient department, East Harerghe, Oromiya, Eastern Ethiopia
dc.type Thesis

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