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Prevalence of thinness, stunting and associated factors among adolescent school girls, Adwa town, Northern Ethiopia

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dc.contributor.author Gyorgis, Tsgehana
dc.date.accessioned 2021-03-09T12:22:36Z
dc.date.available 2021-03-09T12:22:36Z
dc.date.issued 2014-05-31
dc.identifier.uri http://repository.iifphc.org/handle/123456789/1194
dc.identifier.uri https://nadre.ethernet.edu.et/record/1608#.YEdmvp1KiUk
dc.description.abstract Introduction: Despite the fact that adolescence is window of opportunity to break the inter-generational cycle of malnutrition and prepare nutritionally for a healthy adult life, they are the neglected age groups. Hence. information regarding the nutritional status of adolescents is lacking specially including pubertal landmarks making intervention programs creating and implementation difficult. Objective: To assess the prevalence of thinness, stunting and associated factors among adolescent school girls in Adwa town, Northern Ethiopia. Methods: An institution based cross sectional study design was employed from March to April, 2014, at Adwa town schools. A total of 823 adolescent girl students were selected randomly from five schools. Data were collected using interviewer administered pretested semi-structured questionnaire and anthropometric measurements. Data were entered using EPI INFO version 3.5.3satircal software and analyzed using SPSS version16andWHO Anthroplus software. Results: The prevalence of thinness and stunting were 21.4% and 12.2%respectively.Ageof adolescent[AOR (95% CI) =2.15(1.14,4.03)],enrolling in governmental school[AOR(95%CI)=2.89(1.20,6.91)],mother’s educational status [AOR (95% CI) =2.34(1.14,4.80)], eating less than3meal per day[AOR (95%CI) =1.66(1.12,2.46)],having family size>5[AOR(95% CI)=2.53(1.66,3.86)],unimproved source of drinking water [AOR (95% CI) = 3.27(1.98,5.40)] were significantly associated with thinness among the adolescent girls. Family size>5[AOR (95% CI)=2.05(1.31,3.23)],unimproved source of drinking water [AOR(95% CI)=3.82(2.20,6.62)], and did not start menstruation [AOR (95% CI)=2.80(1.75,4.48)]were significantly associated with stunting. Conclusion: This study revealed that thinness and stunting are prevalent problems in the study area. Strategies to improve the nutritional status of girls should be given much attention to correct nutritional problems before conception to break the intergenerational cycle of malnutrition.
dc.language.iso English
dc.publisher University of Gondar
dc.subject Adolescent health
dc.title Prevalence of thinness, stunting and associated factors among adolescent school girls, Adwa town, Northern Ethiopia
dc.type Thesis

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