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Assessment of information sharing using social network analysis among health extension workers in Konso woreda, Southern Ethiopia

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dc.contributor.author Gilano, Girma
dc.date.accessioned 2021-02-19T12:57:45Z
dc.date.available 2021-02-19T12:57:45Z
dc.date.issued 2012-06-30
dc.identifier.uri http://repository.iifphc.org/handle/123456789/1154
dc.identifier.uri https://nadre.ethernet.edu.et/record/2052#.YC-vf-hKiUk
dc.description.abstract Introduction: Sharing information across organizational boundaries is central to efforts to improve government operations and services. Social network is systematic means of assessing formal and informal networks by mapping and analyzing relationships among people, groups, and units of work group or even entire organizations. In this article information sharing and problem solving methods of health extension worker in Konso woreda was assessed using social network analysis approach which could fill relational data gap. Objective: To assess information sharing among health extension workers in Konso woreda using social network analysis. Methods: Across-sectional survey was conducted on all health extension workers in Konso woreda in South Ethiopia, using social network analysis which isan approach to assess knowledge, information exchange pattern and purpose based social connections. Trained data collectors used structured pretested roster type questionnaire and collected data. After preprocessing, data was entered Excel matrix spreadsheet then analysed by UCINET 6.365software;multipleregression quadratic assignment procedures and other methods applied. Results: Study participants were females with response rate o f93%, most of them were married. The network of the who know who network was significantly dense (density=79.28%, Z=9.12,p-value = 0.0002) while in adequate information sharing exist in health extension workers (density=27.2%,Z=-8.5462, p-value= 1.000). Correlation shows the two networks are associated significantly (p=0.000). Using MR-QAP indicated significant variables such as experience(B=-.041, p=0.0085),media(B=-0.0430, p=0.0055), site (B=-0.11p=0.0005) and who know who B=0.1722, p=0.0005).People share information have positive performance (B=0.0466, p=0.01450) Conclusion-The information sharing in HEWs was inadequate. Sharing was observed among different sites rather than the same, people of different experiences than that of the same, and people who have different knowledge of Medias for information sharing but for who know each other and have performance.
dc.publisher University of Gondar
dc.subject Health information technology & information management
dc.title Assessment of information sharing using social network analysis among health extension workers in Konso woreda, Southern Ethiopia
dc.type Thesis

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