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Determinants of delay in malaria treatment seeking behavior at Dera district, Northwest Ethiopia

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dc.contributor.author Tiruneh, Melkamu
dc.date.accessioned 2021-01-28T12:13:14Z
dc.date.available 2021-01-28T12:13:14Z
dc.date.issued 2014-03-30
dc.identifier.uri http://repository.iifphc.org/handle/123456789/1109
dc.description.abstract In the recent years, sanitation has been recognized as the basis of health, dignity and development. However; the 2015 Millennium Development Goal target on sanitation remains the most off-track of all the MDG goals. Evidence shows that hand washing with soap is the single most effective water, hygiene & sanitation intervention for reducing diarrheal diseases and pneumonia. Inadequate water supply and sanitation facilities and poor hand washing practice, not only are health hazards, but also affect school attendance, retention and educational performance. OBJECTIVES: This study will assess the proportion of hand washing practice and associated factors among second fully cycled primary school children in Bahir Dar Town, North West Ethiopia. METHODS: Institution based quantitative cross-sectional study design will be employed. First the total of 28 second cycled primary schools located in urban area, are classified into private & public ownership. From these 6 schools which further stratified by grades & sections will be selected by lottery method. Finally 652 samples of students will be drawn by using simple random sampling techniques through random number tables/generators based on students attendance sheet from each selected sections of selected grades of the schools. The data will be collected by using pretested semi-structured questionnaire through face to face interviewing. Epi info version 3.5.1 for data entry, cleaning, & coding and Statistical Packages for Social Science Studies version 20 for data analysis will be used. Lickert scale will also be used for analysis of attitude based questions. Bivariate & multivariate logistic regression will be applied to test the existence of an association between hands washing practice with independent variables. Finally the variables which have significant association will be identified on the basis - of Odds Ratio OR, with 95%CI and 0.05 p-values. WORK PLAN and BUDGET: This study will be conducted in Bahir Dar town from September- 15 to 19, 2014 with a total cost of 15,576.00 ETB.
dc.language.iso English
dc.publisher Bahir Dar University
dc.subject Malaria
dc.title Determinants of delay in malaria treatment seeking behavior at Dera district, Northwest Ethiopia
dc.type Thesis

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